Steven Conroy

Steve has an uncanny skill to remember any film or TV show he has ever seen and recall it with amazingly annoying detail. This is a skill that has proven to be incredibly useless in the real world. Steve is also simply the greatest person you will ever meet.... according to his Mum.

New Teen Titans 8″ statues available for preorder

Icon Heroes have just made a brand new set of Teen Titans statues available for pre-order. Featuring characters...

Matt Reeves Explains His Approach to 'The Batman' Dark Knight News

‘The Batman’ Director talks best ‘Batman’ Comics

'The Batman' director Matt Reeves has revealed his favorite Batman comic-books over on Twitter. While we await some...


First look at ‘Titans’ Grayson, Starfire and more

Discussing Films have revealed our first look at Dick Grayson, Beast Boy and Raven from the set of Titans. ...

Jake Gyllenhaal talks about ‘The Batman’ rumors

The Batman movie has been the subject of ongoing rumour and speculation for quite some time. The role of...

New Hanna-Barbera / DC Team Up Books Announced

Last year characters from the DC Comics Universe and the classic Hanna-Barbera Saturday morning line-up collided. The results...

‘Batman: The Enemy Within’ Will Create A New Joker

The final episode Batman: The Enemy Within season two is upon us. To celebrate Telltale have released a full...

DKN Podcast: Special Guest Damian Fasciani

Welcome to The Dark Knight News Podcast! This episode Steve and Steve are joined by the owner of...

‘Shazam!’ star teases Batman cameo

With production of Shazam! well underway the star of the movie has teased that certain Dark Knight may...

‘Batman & Mr. Freeze: Sub-Zero’ coming to Blu Ray

Back in 1997 the world eagerly awaited the release of Batman and Robin starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as Mr....

Limited Edition 1/6 scale ‘Batman: TAS’ figure Available

Batman: The Animated Series arguably gave us one of the most quintessential designs of the character of all time. The...