Steven Conroy

Steve has an uncanny skill to remember any film or TV show he has ever seen and recall it with amazingly annoying detail. This is a skill that has proven to be incredibly useless in the real world. Steve is also simply the greatest person you will ever meet.... according to his Mum.

Is Affleck’s ‘Batman’ In or Out of ‘Flashpoint’?

Along with Superman and Wonder Woman, Batman is one of the core characters of the DC Universe. This...

‘Gotham’ Images Show Jerome’s Joker transformation

While no release date has been confirmed for the return of Gotham in 2018 we have been given...

Zack Snyder’s ‘Justice League’ Cut May Exist

WIth many fans asking for for the original cut of Zach Snyder's Justice League to be released it appears...

Warner Bros. Announces New Head For DC Films

Warner Bros. have decided to make major changes to the DC Films division in the wake of the disappointing...

‘Batman’ Returns to Netflix in 2018

As of January the 1st, the classic Batman movies are back on Netflix. As is customary every month with...

DKN Podcast: ‘Justice League’ Review w/ Eric Lee

Welcome to The Dark Knight News Podcast! In this episode, Steve and Steve are joined by fellow Dark...

‘Superman’ Joins The ‘Justice League’ In New Posters

With Justice League now in theaters, it seems Warner Bros. are now happy to let people know that...

A New ‘Harley Quinn’ Animated Show Is Coming

It looks DC are taking Harley Quinn back to where it all began. Animation. Warner Bros. have ordered...

DiDio And Lee Signings on Justice League Day

Justice League is due out this Friday and DC Comics has declared Saturday to be Justice League Day....

‘Batman: Gotham By Gaslight’ Coming In February

Back in 1989, DC Comics began the Elseworlds imprint, starting with Batman: Gotham by Gaslight they showed us familiar characters...