Batman Comic News
All the Batman Comic news, previews and reviews you can handle!
3/21/12 Batman New 52 Comics
NIGHTWING #7 Nightwing vs. Saiko! The truth about Haly's Circus! A tribute show for the Flying Graysons! They're...
Scott Snyder Talks to CBR at Wonder Con
Scott Snyder talked to the guys at CBR...
Batman #8 Variant Cover Preview
DC Comics gives us a look at the variant cover to the upcoming Batman #8 . Artist Jason...
At WonderCon today, there were some awesome posters given out for $49.95 each. Both posters were designed by...
Kristina here, I am following WonderCon from Twitter and Comic Book Resources through DC comics and the discussions are...
Artist Rafael Albuquerque on Batman
Newsarama talked yesterday to Rafael Albuquerque very briefly on his upcoming work in Batman while doing an interview...
“Batman: Earth One” Coming Soon
Hey guys, great news. Batman: Earth One is coming out July 4 . If your like me, then you'll...
3/14/12 Batman New 52 Comics
BATMAN AND ROBIN #7 Batman finally discovers NoBody's lair and must confront Robin and NoBody in an explosive,...
DC Comics VS Marvel on Comic Sales
Normally, I don't pay too much attention on the sales charts on comics...
Detective & Batwoman Change Up Art Teams
Hey, Adam here with an update on comics . It looks like two of ...