
Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.

Review: Suicide Squad #30

"The Secret History Of Task Force X" Part Four   Writer: Rob Williams Art: Philippe Briones (Main Story),...

Review: Batman Beyond #14

"The Long Payback" Part One   Writer: Dan Jurgens Art: Phil Hester, Ande Parks and Michael Spicer  ...

Review: Detective Comics #969

"Fall Of The Batmen" Part One   Writer: James Tynion IV Art: Joe Bennett, Sal Regla, Jason Wright...

DKN Spotlight Review: Doomsday Clock #1

Chapter One - "That Annihilated Place" Writer: Geoff Johns Artists: Gary Frank and Brad Anderson First of all,...

Review: The Long Halloween, Chapter Two: Thanksgiving

  Writer: Jeph Loeb Artist: Tim Sale   Our year-long, holiday review of The Long Halloween continues today...

Review: Harley Quinn #32

"Vote Harley", Finale   Writers: Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti Artists: John Timms, Bret Blevins   Harvey Dent said...

Review: Teen Titans #14

“The Return of Kid Flash,” Finale   Writer: Ben Percy Artist: Khoi Pham   Ben Percy pens the...

justice league dark featured image

Justice League Animated Films Review: ‘Justice League Dark’

“Justice League is here and DKN is celebrating the release of the live-action film with reviews of the...

Review: Trinity #15

"Dark Destiny" Conclusion     Writer: Rob Williams  Artist: V Ken Marion  Inker: Sandu Florea Colorist: Dinei Ribeiro And...

the batman who laughs featured image

Review: The Batman Who Laughs #1

“The Batman Who Laughs”   Writer: James Tynion IV  Artist: Riley Rossmo  (Spoilers ahead)  Out of all the...