
Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.

Review: Batman #32

"The War of Jokes and Riddles" Conclusion   Writer: Tom King Artist: Mikel Janin Warning: Spoilers Ahead!  ...

Review: Justice League #30

"Legacy," Part Five   Writer: Bryan Hitch Artist: Fernando Pasarin (Minor spoilers ahead) As Wonder Woman tries to fight off...

batman the dawn breaker featured

Review: Batman: The Dawn Breaker #1

“Fear of the Dark” Writer: Sam Humphries Artist: Ethan Van Sciver (Spoilers ahead) Metal is moving along quite...

Review: Harley Quinn #28

"Debates and Delusions" Writers: Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti Artists: Mirka Andolfo, Michael Kaluta, Tom Derenick Harley Quinn...

Review: Bane: Conquest #6

Writer: Chuck Dixon Artist: Graham Nolan After six issues, Bane: Conquest finally has a direction. This title has...

DKN Spotlight Review: All Star Batman #14

"The First Ally", Finale Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Rafael Albuquerque I’ll take Scott Snyder’s pirate Batman over Grant...

Review: Batman White Knight #1

  Writer: Sean Murphy Artist: Sean Murphy Whoa. Thus far, this is the best Batman standalone miniseries this...

Review: Gotham S4E02 ‘The Fear Reaper’

(Spoilers!) Johnathan Crane, the Scarecrow, is experimenting with his fear toxins and wrecking havoc upon the GCPD. Penguin...

batgirl #15 featured

Review: Batgirl #15

“Summer of Lies” Part 2     Writer: Hope Larson  Artist: Christian Wildgoose  (Spoilers ahead)   Continuing immediately...

Justice League Animated Films Review: ‘Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths’

"As we anxiously await the debut of Justice League, DKN celebrates the release of the live-action film with...