
Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.

Review: Batman Beyond #42

"First Flight" - Conclusion Writer: Dan Jurgens Artists: Sean Chen and Sean Parsons Color Artist: Chris Sotomayor Letterer:...

Review: Legion of Super-Heroes #5

Legion of Super-Heroes #5 Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Ryan Sook,Scott Godlewski, and  Wade Von Grawbadger Color Artist:...

Review: Batgirl #45

"Inner Light" Writer: Cecil Castellucci Artist: Carmine Di Giandomenico Color Artist: Jordie Bellaire Letterer: AndWorld Design Review by...

Batwoman "Through The Looking Glass"

Review: ‘Batwoman’ Episode 16 “Through The Looking Glass”

"Through The Looking Glass" Writer: Nancy Kiu Director: Sudz Sutherland Starring: Ruby Rose, Rachel Skarsten, Meagan Tandy, Nicole Kang,...

Batwoman - Off With Her Head

Review: ‘Batwoman’ Episode 15 “Off With Her Head”

"Off With Her Head" Writer: Natalie Abrams Director: Holly Dale Starring: Ruby Rose, Rachel Skarsten, Nicole Kang, Camrus Johnson,...

Review: Justice League #43

"Invasion of the Supermen" - Part Three Writer: Robert Venditti Artists: Doug Mahnke and Richard Friend Color Artist:...

Nightwing #70 Banner

Review: Nightwing #70

"From The Darkness" Writer: Dan Jurgens Artists: Ryan Benjamin and Scott Hanna Color Artist: Rain Beredo Letterer: AndWorld...

Review: DCeased: Unkillables #2

"Murderers, Psychopaths and Monsters" Writer: Tom Taylor Artists: Karl Mostert, Trevor Scott and Neil Edwards Color Artist: Rex...

Review: Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #4

"Hell Arisen" - Conclusion Writers: James Tynion IV Artists: Steve Epting Colors: Nick Filardi Letterer: Travis Lanham Review...

Review: Teen Titans #40

"Straight Into Hell" Writers: Adam Glass and Robbie Thompson Artists: Eduardo Pansica and Julio Ferreira Color Artist: Marcelo...