
Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.

Review: Trinity #12

"Dark Destiny" Part 1   Writer: Rob Williams Artist: V Ken Marion Colorist: Dinei Ribeiro  The Trinity is at...

Review: Nightwing #27

"Spyral" Part 2 Writer: Tim Seeley Artist: Javier Fernandez Colorist: Chris Sotomayor   Oh boy. Here it is,...

DKN Spotlight Review: Batman #29

"The War of Jokes and Riddles" Part 4   Writer: Tom King Artist: Mikel Janin Minor Spoilers Ahead!...

Review: Justice League/Power Rangers #5

    Writer: Tom Taylor  Artist: Stephen Byrne    Wow! Finally, issue #5 is out. The last issue came...

Review: Red Hood And The Outlaws #13

"The Life of Bizarro" Part II     Writer: Scott Lobdell  Artist: Dexter Soy  Colorist: Veronica Gandini There...

Review: Detective Comics #962

“Intelligence,“ Part Five Writer: James Tynion IV Artists: Álvaro Martínez Bueno, Raül Fernandez Fonts, Brad Anderson and Sal Cipriano. If...

Review: Batgirl and The Birds of Prey #13

"Source Code" Part 3: Debugged Writers: Julie Benson & Shawna Benson Artists: Roge Antonio & Breno Tamura Colorists:...

DKN Spotlight Review: Suicide Squad #23

“Kill Your Darlings” Part Three Writer: Rob Williams Art: Gus Vazquez & Adriano Lucas The Suicide Squad has...

BTAS Episode Review: Perchance to Dream

September 5 marks the 25th anniversary of one of the greatest shows ever - Batman: The Animated Series....

Review: Harley Quinn #25

"Surprise, Surprise" Part One Writers: Jimmy Palmiotti, Amanda Conner, Paul Dini Artists: Chad Hardin, J. Bone, Bret Blevins...