
Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.

Review: Batman Beyond #10

“Rise Of The Demon,” Part Five Writing: Dan Jurgens Art: Bernard Chang & Marcelo Maiolo Batman's sons are in...

Review: Detective Comics #961

“Intelligence,“ Part Four Writer: James Tynion IV Artists: Álvaro Martínez Bueno, Raül Fernandez Fonts, Brad Anderson and Sal Cipriano. I'm...

Review: All Star Batman #12

"The First Ally", Part Three   Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Rafael Albuquerque, Sebastian Fiumara (Minor spoilers ahead)  ...

DKN Spotlight Review: Batman/The Shadow #4

"Batman/The Shadow" Part 4   Writers: Scott Snyder, Steve Orlando Artists: Riley Rossmo, Ivan Plascencia, Clem Robins   ...

Review: Justice League #25

"Reborn"     Writer: Bryan Hitch Penciller: Tom Derenick Inker: Andy Owens, Scott Hanna, Trevor Scott Colorist: Hi-Fi...

Review: Trinity #11

"Dead Space Conclusion"   Writer: Francis Manapul Artists: Francis Manapul, Scott Hanna, Scott Godlewski Colorist: Manapul, Wil Quintana...

Review: Harley Quinn #24

"The Family Circle," Part Three   Writers: Jimmy Palmiotti, Amanda Conner, Paul Dini Artists: John Timms, Bret Blevins,...

DKN Spotlight Review: Batwoman #5

"Blinding" Writers: Marguerite Bennett & James Tynion IV Artist: Stephanie Hans Letterer: Deron Bennett       BEFORE...

Review: Justice League of America #10

"Curse of The Kingbutcher": Part 1   Writer: Steve Orlando Artist: Andy MacDonald Colorist: Hi-Fi Warning: Minor Spoilers...

Review: Red Hood And The Outlaws #12

"The Life of Bizarro" Part I   Writer: Scott Lobdell  Artist: Dexter Soy  Colorist: Veronica Gandini   Twelve...