Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.
Review: Batman Beyond #9
“Rise Of The Demon,” Part Four Writer: Dan Jurgens Artist: Bernard Chang Ra's Al Ghul is back! Well, he...
Review: Suicide Squad #20
"Managing People" Writer: Rob Williams Artist: Stjepan Šejić Unsuspecting readers, prepare yourselves! In the latest issue of Suicide Squad you will...
Review: Teen Titans #9
"Blood of the Manta", Part One Writer: Benjamin Percy Artists: Wade Von Grawbadger, Khoi Pham (Minor spoilers...
Review: Batman/Elmer Fudd Special #1
Writer: Tom King Artists: Lee Weeks, Byron Vaughns (Minor spoilers ahead) Elmer Fudd is hunting wabbits, pwayboys,...
DKN Spotlight Review: Detective Comics #959
“Intelligence,“ Part Two Writer: James Tynion IV Artists: Álvaro Martínez (Pencils) Raül Fernandez (Inks) This issue of Detective...
Review: Justice League #23
"Fear Itself" Writer: Tom DeFalco Penciller: Tom Denerick Colorist: Adriano Lucas "Tell all your friends on...
Review: Batwoman #4
"The Many Arms of Death Finale": Blackstar Writers: Marguerite Bennett & James Tynion IV Artist: Steve Epting...
Review: Trinity #10
"Dead Space" Writer/Artist/Colorist: Francis Manapul I wonder if Manapul lurks on Tumblr and DeviantArt (wait! He...
Review: Harley Quinn #22
"The Family Circles," Part 1 Writers: Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, Paul Dini Artists: John Timms, J. Bone,...
Review: All Star Batman #11
"The First Ally", Part 2 Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Rafael Albuquerque (Minor spoilers ahead) The countdown is...