
Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.

Review: Batman #25

"The War of Jokes and Riddles," Part 1   Writer: Tom King Artist: Mikel Janin Minor Spoilers Ahead!...

DKN Spotlight Review: Nightwing #23 Dark Knight News

DKN Spotlight Review: Nightwing #23

"Blockbuster," Part 02   Writer: Tim Seeley Artist: Minkyu Jung     Major Spoilers Ahead   "Blockbuster" is...

Review: Red Hood And The Outlaws #11

"Who Is Artemis? Finale: Outlaws At War"     Writer: Scott Lobdell  Artist: Dexter Soy  Colors: Veronica Gandini...

Review: Titans #12 Dark Knight News

Review: Titans #12

"Bad Omen"   Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: Kenneth Rocafort         Coming fresh off the heels...

Review: Suicide Squad #19

"Earthlings On Fire,” Part Four Writer: Rob Williams Artists: Neil Edwards and Sandu Florea After the huge surprise on the...

Review: Detective Comics #958

“Intelligence,“ Part One Writer: James Tynion IV Artists: Álvaro Martínez (Pencils) Raül Fernandez (Inks) After the excellent one-off...

Review: Batgirl and The Birds of Prey #11

"Source Code" Part 1: Miscalculation Writers: Julie & Shawna Benson Artist: Roge Antonio Warning: Very Minor Spoilers Ahead!...

Review: Dark Days: The Forge #1

  Writers: Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV Artists: Jim Lee, Andy Kubert, John Romita Jr. (Minor spoilers ahead)...

DKN Spotlight Review: Justice League of America #8

"The Man from Monster Valley" Part 1   Writer: Steve Orlando Artist: Felipe Watanabe Warning: Minor Spoilers Ahead!...

Review: Justice League #22

"A Thousand Little Things"   Writer: Shea Fontana  Artist:  Philippe Briones Colorist: Gabe Eltaeb  There's been an outbreak...