
Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.

Review: Justice League of America #7

"Terrorstrike" Writer: Steve Orlando Artist: Jamal Campbell Warning: Minor Spoilers Ahead!         Wow...just simply...WOW! What...

Review: Batman/The Shadow #2

"Batman/Shadow," Part Two   Writers: Steve Orlando, Scott Snyder Artist: Riley Rossmo Colorist: Ivan Plascencia   Part two...

Review: DC Super Hero Girls: Intergalactic Games

"Get Your Cape On" For This Family Feature For this review, I have enlisted the aid of my...

Review: Suicide Squad #18

Earthlings On Fire,” Part 3 Writer: Rob Williams Artists: Tony S. Daniel and Sandu Florea If Suicide Squad #18 proves...

Review: Detective Comics #957

"The Wrath Of Spoiler"   Writer: James Tynion IV Artist: Carmen Carnero   After the roller-coaster ride that was...

DKN Spotlight Review: Batman Beyond #8

“Rise Of The Demon,” Part 3   Writer: Dan Jurgens Artist: Bernard Chang After seeing the stellar preview of...

Review: Gotham S3E19 “All Will Be Judged”

Up until now (Spoiler!), Lee has been the over-bearing ex-girlfriend in season 3. Sure, Gordon didn't help better...

Review: The LEGO Batman Movie on Digital HD

Cast: Will Arnett, Michael Cera, Rosario Dawson, Ralph Fiennes, Zach Galifianakis Writers: Seth Grahame-Smith, Chris McKenna, Erick Sommers,...

Review: Trinity #9

"Dead Space," Part 1   Writer/Artist: Francis Manapul   The Canadian writer and artist, Francis Manapul, is incredibly...

Review: Justice League/Power Rangers #4

  Writer: Tom Taylor  Artist: Stephen Byrne    In my previous review of Justice League/Power Rangers, I mentioned how...