Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.
Review: Justice League #19
"Timeless," Part 05 Writer: Bryan Hitch Artist: Fernando Pasarin Since "Timeless" began, I've...
Review: Deathstroke #17
"Twilight," Part 06 Writer: Christopher Priest Artist: Joe Bennett Major spoilers ahead One of...
Review: DC’s Powerless S1E09 – “Van Vs. Emily: Dawn Of Justice”
Van Wayne is all a-quiver In this week's pulse-pounding episode of DC's Powerless: Thrills! Daring rescues. Spills! Van makes...
Review: Batwoman #2
"The Many Arms of Death" Part 2 Writers: Marguerite Bennett & James Tynion IV Artist: Steve Epting Caution:...
Review: Batman #21
"The Button" Part 1 Writer: Tom King Artist: Jason Fabok Minor Spoilers Ahead! The...
Review: Harley Quinn #18
"Red Meat", Part Two Writers: Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, Paul Dini Artists: John Timms, Bret Blevins (Minor...
DKN Spotlight Review: All Star Batman #9
"Ends of the Earth" Finale Writer: Scott Snyder Artists: Jock, Francesco Francavilla (Spoilers Ahead) Batman is on...
Review: Red Hood and the Outlaws #9
"Ghost of the Damned" Writer: Scott Lobdell Artist: Dexter Soy and Veronica Gandini We are still in the...
Review: DC’s Powerless S1E08 – “Green Furious”
Hot Stuff This show has truly found its rhythm and identity. This week sees Emily befriending a superhero...
Review: Justice League of America #4
"The Extremists" Finale Writer: Steve Orlando Artist: Ivan Reis CAUTION: SPOILERS AHEAD "I DON' DIE'....