Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.
Review: Titans #10
"Made in Manhattan," Finale Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: Brett Booth Minor spoilers ahead. I...
Review: Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #9
"Blackbird" Part 2: Blackbird Flies Writers: Julie Benson & Shawna Benson Artist: Roge Antonio Caution: Major Spoilers Ahead...
Review: Suicide Squad #15
“Burning Down The House,” Part 5 Writer: Rob Williams Artists: John Romita Jr. and Eddy Barrows I love...
DKN Spotlight Review: Detective Comics #954
“League Of Shadows," Part 3 Writer: James Tynion IV Artist: Marcio Takara Ra's Al Ghul is back! In...
Review: DC’s Powerless S1E07 – “Emergency Punch-Up”
Episode 7 of Powerless is a gas. No, really... it is. In every way. This week sees the...
Review: Nightwing #18
"Nightwing Must Die," Part 03 Writer: Tim Seeley Artists: Javier Fernandez & Minkyu Jung Major Spoilers...
Review: Justice League #18
"Timeless," Part 04 Writer: Bryan Hitch Artist: Fernando Pasarin Major Spoilers Ahead "Timeless" is......
Review: Deathstroke #16
"Twilight," Part 05 Writer: Christopher Priest Breakdowns: Larry Hama Pencils: Carlo Pagulayan & Roberto J. Viacava ...
Review: Harley Quinn #17
"Red Meat", Part One Writers: Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti Artist: John Tims Minor Spoilers Ahead The homeless don't...
DKN Spotlight Review: Batman #20
"I Am Bane" Part 5 Writer: Tom King Artist: David Finch Minor Spoilers Ahead! ...