Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.
Review: ‘Teen Titans: The Judas Contract’ Film
Director: Sam Liu Executive Producer: James Tucker Screenwriter: Ernie Altbaker To me, a sign of a good movie...
Review: Titans Annual #1
"Titans: Legacy" Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: Minkyu Jung It's strange to me that...
Review: DC’s Powerless S1E06 – “I’ma Friend You”
After two weeks away, our friends from Charm City are back! Emily, Jackie and the ladies from Wayne...
Retro Review: Batman: The Cult
Batman: The Cult - A Classic Revisited Writer: Jim Starlin Artist: Bernie Wrightson Eleven short days ago, the...
Review: Batgirl Annual #1
Writers: Vita Alaya, Hope Larson Artists: Eleonora Carlini, Inaki Miranda Batgirl Annual #1 gives us the amazing Batgirl/Supergirl team-up that...
Review: Justice League of America #3
“The Extremists,” Part 3 Writer: Steve Orlando Artist: Diogenes Neves Steve Orlando continues to shape the new JLA through...
Review: Dark Knight III: The Master Race #8
Writers: Frank Miller, Brian Azzarello Artist: Andy Kubert (Spoilers ahead) You're reading this right. There is a new...
Review: Deathstroke #15
"Twilight," Part 04 Writer: Christopher Priest Breakdowns: Larry Hama Pencils: Carlo Pagulayan Minor spoilers ahead ...
Review: Batman Beyond #6
"Rise Of The Demon," Part One Writer: Dan Jurgens Artist: Bernard Chang OK, I have to say it....
Review: Batgirl #9
Writer: Hope Larson Artist: Chris Wildgoose Spoilers ahead. This is a strong issue, even though there’s a lot...