Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.
Review: All Star Batman #8
"Ends of the Earth", Part 3 Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Giuseppi Camuncoli (Minor spoilers ahead) All Star Batman...
Review: Trinity #7
“The New Pandoras” Writer — Cullen Bunn Artists — Clay Mann and Miguel Mendoca For starters, Trinity...
Review: DC’s Powerless S1E05 – “Cold Season”
Don't you just hate it when all the supervillains with cold powers come to town? You've just got...
Review: Batgirl and The Birds of Prey #8
"Blackbird Sings" Part 1 Writers: Julie Benson & Shawna Benson Artist: Roge Antonio The trio of kickass, crime...
Review: Titans #9
"Made in Manhattan," Part 2 Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: Brett Booth Minor spoilers ahead ...
Review: Deathstroke #14
"Twilight," Part 03 Writer: Christopher Priest Artist: Joe Bennett Major spoilers ahead I would...
Review: Detective Comics #952
"League Of Shadows ", Part Two Writer - James Tynion IV Artists - Christian Duce In the second...
Review: Justice League/Power Rangers #3
Writer: Tom Taylor Artist: Stephen Byrne DC and Boom! Studios gives us an unexpected crossover, bringing together two of...
Review: Justice League of America #2
“The Extremists", Part 2 Writer - Steve Orlando Artist - Felipe Watanabe In Justice League of America #2,...
Review: Suicide Squad #13
"Burning Down The House," Part 3 "Hero Or Villain," Part 1 Writer: Rob Williams Artists: "Burning Down The House" - John...