Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.
Review: Suicide Squad #2
Writer: Rob Williams Art: Scott Williams, Jim Lee Be warned, folks, spoilers to follow! Alright, so the second...
Review: Teen Titans #24
Teen Titans #24 Writer - Tony Bedard Pencils - Ian Churchill Inks - Norm Rapmund Colors - Tony...
Review: Dark Knight III: The Master Race #1 Director’s Cut
Writers: Frank Miller & Brian Azzarello Artists: Andy Kubert & Klaus Janson The latest series to join DC's...
Review: Harley Quinn Vol. 5: The Joker’s Last Laugh
Writers: Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti Artists: Chad Hardin & Alex Sinclair Collects Harley Quinn #22-25, Harley Quinn: Be...
Review: All-Star Batman #2
Writer: Scott Snyder Penciler: John, Romita, Jr. Some Spoilers Ahead What a ride! In only two issues of Scott...
Review: Detective Comics #940
Writer: James Tynion IV Artist: Eddy Barrows Some Spoilers Ahead Colonial Jacob Kane is not pleased with his...
Review: Supergirl #1
Writer: Steve Orlando Artist: Brian Ching Some Spoilers Ahead In my view, Supergirl #1 has to be one of the...
Review: Batman Beyond #16
Writer: Dan Jurgens Artist: Stephen Thompson Some Spoilers Ahead This is a series finale done right. I applaud...
Review: Harley Quinn #3
Writers: Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti Artists: Bret Blevins (layouts), Chad Hardin & John Timms (finishes) Some Spoilers...
Review: Batman #6
Writer: Tom King Artist: Ivan Reis Some Spoilers Ahead Following up on an issue that I had lukewarm...