
Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.

Review: Green Arrow #5

Writer: Benjamin Percy Artist: Juan Ferreyra Some Spoilers Ahead The level of quality Benjamin Percy and company have...

Review: Nightwing #3

Writer: Tim Seeley Artist: Javier Fernandez Some spoilers ahead Nightwing #3 feels like the issue where the book is really...

Review: Batman #5

Writer: Tom King Artist: David Finch Some Spoilers Ahead This week brings the finale to the "I am...

Review: Harley Quinn #2

Writers: Jimmy Palmiotti & Amanda Conner Artists: Bret Blevins (layouts), Chad Hardin & John Timms (finishes) Some Spoilers...

Review: Batman – Detective Comics Vol. 8: Blood of Heroes

Writers: Brian Buccellato, Ray Fawkes, Francis Manapul, Peter J. Tomasi Artists: Fernando Blanco, Francis Manapul, Steve Pugh, Marcio...

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Review Roundup: Earth 2: Society #15

Writer: Dan Abnett Artists: Tony Harris, Wade Von Grawbadger, Angel Hernandez This month, the heroes of Earth 2...

Review: Suicide Squad Most Wanted: El Diablo and Boomerang #1

El Diablo Writer: Jai Nitz Art: Cliff Richards Boomerang Writer: Michael Moreci Art: Oscar Bazaldua Suicide Squad Most...

Review: Deathstroke: Rebirth #1

Writer: Christopher Priest Artist: Carlo Pagulayan The world's greatest mercenary is the latest to get a relaunched series...

Review: Action Comics #961

Writer: Dan Jurgens Artist: Stephen Segovia Some Spoilers Ahead I'm not quite sure what to say about Action Comics...

Review: Detective Comics #938

Writer: James Tynion IV Artist: Alvaro Martinez Some Spoilers Ahead Everything that had building over the past few...