
Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.

Review: Deathstroke Annual #2

Writer: Phil Hester Artists: Mirko Colak & Roberto Viacava Regardless of whether or not you're enjoying the current Deathstroke...

Review: Grayson Annual #3

Writers: Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly Artists: Various Although last month's proper issue of Grayson served as the finale,...

Dissecting The 'Batman v Superman: Damn of Justice Ultimate Edition': Warner Bros. Should Have Trusted Their Creators. Dark Knight News

Review: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition

It is time to celebrate! The digital version of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition is...

Advance Review: Dark Knight III: The Master Race #5

Writers: Frank Miller & Brian Azzarello Artists: Andy Kubert & Klaus Janson "Fear. My lieutenant. My nanny. My...

Paul Dini’s Shocking Autobiographical Graphic Novel Releases Today Dark Knight News

Review: Dark Night: A True Batman Story

Writer: Paul Dini Penciller: Eduardo Risso It's difficult to review such a personal story without seeing yourself in...

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Review Roundup: Robin: Son of Batman #13, Deathstroke #19, Cyborg #12 & More

Robin: Son of Batman #13 Writer: Ray Fawkes Artist: Ramon Bachs Let this series finale serve as a...

Review: Adventures of Supergirl #4

Sorry, I could find an image for only the digital comic. The cover art, however, remains the same....

Review: Justice League #52

Writer: Dan Jurgens Artist: Tom Grummett This is a book for the Lex Luthor fan. Justice League #52 takes...

Review: Aquaman #1

Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: Brad Walker If you are a seasoned Aquaman reader and felt you didn't learn anything new...

Review: Wonder Woman #1

Writer: Greg Rucka Artist: Liam Sharp Despite my thinking Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1 didn't exactly break new ground, I must...