Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.
Review: Robin: Son of Batman Vol. 1: Year of Blood
Writer & Artist: Patrick Gleason Collects Robin: Son of Batman Sneak Peek #1, Robin: Son of Batman #1-6...
Review: Deathstroke #16
Writer: James Bonny Artist: Paolo Pantalena The latest issue of Deathstroke, which continues the search for Slade's daughter,...
Review: Batman: Arkham Knight – Genesis
Writer: Peter J. Tomasi Artists: Alisson Borges & Dexter Soy Collects Batman: Arkham Knight - Genesis #1-6 By...
Review: Teen Titans #18
Teen Titans #18 | "Who is Wonder Girl," Part 2 Writer: Greg Pak Pencillers: Ian Churchill and Tom Derenick...
Review: Gotham S2E15 “Mad Grey Dawn”
They’ve teased a lot of villains over the course of the series so far, but I think it’s...
Review: Batman & Robin Eternal #25
Writer: Steve Orlando Pencilers: Javi Piña & Goran Sudzuka It all comes down to his... almost. Batman...
Review: Batman #50
Writer: Scott Snyder Penciler: Greg Capullo Batman returns, "Superheavy" ends, and Greg Capullo signs off. There is a...
Review: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
THIS REVIEW CONTAINS MINOR SPOILERS My three year wait (technically, a lifetime wait) to see Batman and Superman...
Vertigo Roundup: Jacked #5
Writer: Eric Kripke Artists: John Higgins & Marc Olivent "It's evil Dr. Blumpkin! What should I do with...
Review: Suicide Squad Most Wanted: Deadshot and Katana #3
Writers: Brian Buccellato & Mike W. Barr Artists: Viktor Bogdanovic & Diogenes Neves The latest installment of the...