Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.
Review: Batman & Robin Eternal #20
Writer: Tim Seeley Pencillers: Roge Antonio & Geraldo Borges Batman & Robin Eternal #20 picks up right where...
Review: Harley Quinn #25
Writers: Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti Artist: Chad Hardin The latest issue of the flagship Harley Quinn title (yes, we're...
Review: Superman: American Alien #4
Writer: Max Landis Artist: Jae Lee The fourth installment of Superman: American Alien sees Clark Kent finally arrive in Metropolis....
Review: Gotham Academy #15
Writer: Brenden Fletcher Artist: Adam Archer Gotham Academy picks up this month with the second part of its...
Review Roundup: Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion #2 and The Dark & Bloody #1
With a holiday weekend upon us and a couple books still on my desk, only one of...
Review: Detective Comics #49
Writer: Peter J. Tomasi Penciller: Fernando Pasarin I won’t lie, it’s a bit frustrating that this incarnation of...
Review: The Legend of Wonder Woman #2
Writer: Renae De Liz Artists: Renae De Liz & Ray Dillon I'm half-tempted to say origin stories don't...
Review: Harley’s Little Black Book #2
Writers: Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti Artist: John Timms The second issue of Harley Quinn's bi-monthly team-up book has...
Review: Batman & Robin Eternal #19
Writer: Tim Seeley Penciller: Paul Pelletier The virus runs its course through the pages of Batman &...
Review: Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3
Writer: James Tynion IV Artist: Freddie Williams II I feel as though I'm in danger of running out...