
Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.

Review: Detective Comics #48

Writer: Peter J. Tomasi Penciller: Marcio Takara This issue is one we’ve really needed for a long time...

Vertigo Roundup: The Sheriff of Babylon #2 & Unfollow #3

The Sheriff of Babylon #1 Writer: Tom King Artist: Mitch Gerads This could very well be the ongoing...

Review: Batman & Robin Eternal #14

Writer: James Tynion IV Pencilers: Fernando Blanco & Roger Robinson Batman & Robin Eternal #14 kicks off the...

Review: Injustice: Gods Among Us – Year Five #1

Writer: Brian Buccellato Artists: Mike S. Miller & Iban Coello Is it not astounding that it has been...

Review: Green Lantern #48

  Writer: Robert Venditti Artists: Martin Coccolo & Billy Tan The latest issue of Green Lantern happens to be the...

Review: Swamp Thing #1

Writer: Len Wein Artist: Kelley Jones There's no question that Swamp Thing has to be one of DC's...

Review: Batman vs. Superman: The Greatest Battles

Writers: Jeph Loeb, John Byrne, Joe & Jack Kelly, Geoff Johns, Scott Snyder, Frank Miller Artists: Jim Lee,...

Review Roundup: Wonder Woman #47 & The Flash #47

  Another holiday week is upon us and, once again, obligations to families are abound. Much like last...

Review: Superman/Wonder Woman Annual #2

Writers: Peter J. Tomasi & Others Artists: Various Yet another Superman themed Annual arrived this week and, much...

Review: Superman Annual #3

Writers: Greg Pak, Gene Yang, Peter J. Tomasi, Aaron Kuder Artists: Dan Jurgens, Rafa Sandoval, Ben Oliver It's...