Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.
Review: Superman #46
Writer: Gene Luen Yang Penciller: Howard Porter Gene Luen Yang's paradigm=shifting Superman run continues this month with a rather solid...
Review: Superman: Lois and Clark #2
Writer: Dan Jurgens Penciller: Lee Weeks This is one cool book. With Superman having existed in pop culture...
Review: JLA: Justice League of America #5
Writers: Matt Kindt, Rob Williams Penciller: Philip Tan Cover: Meghan Hetrick Your eyes aren't deceiving you. Bryan Hitch...
Review: Batman Endgame: Director’s Cut #1
Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Greg Capullo It seems that DC is not quite finished with Endgame, the story that...
Review: Jacked #1
Writer: Eric Kripke Artist: John Higgins Eric Kripke has done it again! The creator of one of my...
Review: The Dark Knight III: The Master Race #1
Writers: Frank Miller, Brian Azzarello Artists: Andy Kubert, Klaus Janson Legacy. It's something we all ponder more than...
Review: Batman: Europa #1
Writers: Matteo Casali and Brian Azzarello Penciller: Jim Lee Batman: Europa isn't trying to hide anything: Batman's going...
Review: ‘Gotham’ S2E9: “A Bitter Pill to Swallow”
Episode nine of the second season of Gotham proved to be an interesting thing, because it’s pretty good...
Review: Batman and Robin Eternal #7
Writer: Genevieve Valentine Penciler: Alvaro Martinez Hey, another flashback! Batman and Robin Eternal #7 kicks off with us going...
Review: Batman ’66 #29
Batman '66 #29 "Parker Breaks Out" Writer: Jeff Parker Art: Dean Haspiel Colors: Allen Passalaqua Letters: Wes Abbott...