Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.
Review: Superman: American Alien #1
Writer: Max Landis Penciller: Nick Dragotta Superman's origin has certainly had its share of retellings in the past...
Review: Batman Beyond #6
Writer: Dan Jurgens Penciller: Bernard Chang The war for freedom against Brother Eye comes to an exciting and action-packed...
Review: Batman and Robin Eternal #6
Writer: James Tynion IV Pencilers: Tony S. Daniel, Sandu Florea and Mark Morales This week’s issue of...
Review: ‘Gotham’ S2E8: “Tonight’s the Night”
Gotham was a mixed bag this week, with some stuff being really good, completely in character and other...
Review: Batman #46
Writer: Scott Snyder Penciler: Greg Capullo The “Superheavy” story continues this month in the pages of Batman....
Review: DC Icons Batman Action Figure
The DC Icons line of action figures is truly a sight to behold. The first wave of...
Review: Detective Comics #46
Writer: Peter J. Tomasi Pencils: Marcio Takara Cover: Andrew Robinson Gordon’s first team-up with the Justice League went much...
Review: Batman and Robin Eternal #5
Writer: Steve Orlando Pencils: Scot Eaton, Ronan Cliquet and Steve Pugh The mystery continues in Batman and...
Review: ‘Gotham’ S2.E7, ‘Mommy’s Little Monster’
Deception is the name-of-the-game for The Penguin this week in 'Gotham', as his oldest ally shows his true...
Review: Batgirl #45
Writers: Cameron Stewart, Brenden Fletcher Artist: Babs Tarr It’s nice to see, right off the bat, that Babs...