
Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.

Review: Justice League #44

Writer: Geoff Johns Penciller: Jason Fabok   The Darkseid War rages on as the Justice League looks onward on...

Review: Batman Annual #4

  Writer: James Tynion IV Penciler: Roge Antonio Batman Annual #4 continues the current saga running in the...

Review: The Joker: Endgame

Writers: Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Becky Cloonan, Brenden Fletcher, and others Pencillers: Greg Capullo and others Collects...

Review: Deathstroke #10

Writers: Tony S.Daniel & James Bonny Penciller: Tyler Kirkham Hi fans, welcome back. If you’re here, then you’ve...

Batgirl 44 banner

Review: Batgirl #44

Writers: Brenden Fletcher, Cameron Stewart Art & Color: Bengal Cover: Babs Tarr Batgirl #44 feels like an old-school...

Review: Batman ’66 #27

"Bane Enters the Ring"/"Batman Does His Thing" Batman '66 #27 Cover   Writer:  Jeff Parker Art & Color:...

‘Gotham’ S2 E1 Review: ‘Damned If You Do…’

  Season one of Gotham was, well, it was a real shot-in-the-dark. No one really knew if the 'Bat-quel' show...

Review: Batman Vol. 7: Endgame

Writer: Scott Snyder Penciller: Greg Capullo Collects Batman #35-40 This is how it happened. This is how The...

Retro Review: Batman: Second Chances

Written by: Max Allan Collins, Jo Duffy, and Jim Starlin Art by: Jim Starlin, Chris Warner, Denys Cowan,...

Review: Gotham Academy #10

Writers: Becky Cloonan and Brenden Fletcher Artists: Karl Kerschl and Msassyk The Scottish curse of Macbeth is alive...