Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.
Review: Batman #44
Writer: Scott Snyder Penciller: Greg Capullo “Superheavy” takes an issue off this month, as we get an origin story...
Review: Wonder Woman Vol. 7: War-Torn
Writer: Meredith Finch Penciller: David Finch Collects Wonder Woman #36-40, Wonder Woman Annual #1 I think we can...
Review: Detective Comics #44
Writer: Brian Buccellato Penciller: Fernando Blanco I’m still not sure how I feel about the flagship Detective Comics...
Review: Batman Beyond #4
Writer: Dan Jurgens Penciller: Bernard Chang Brother Eye has used Batman's artificial intelligence, Alfred, to lock in on...
Review: Deathstroke #9
Writers: James Bonny, Tony S.Daniel Artists: Tony S. Daniel, Sandu Florea Talk about action! With decapitation, dismembered limbs...
Review: Batgirl #43
The more I read this current ongoing Batgirl title, the more I think it really is the perfect...
Review: Batman ’66 #26
Writer: Jeff Parker Penciller: Jesse Hamm Inker: Jesse Hamm Colorist: Kelly Fitzpatrick Cover Artists: Laura Allred and Mike Allred Batman '66 #26 introduces another...
Review: JLA: Justice League of America #3
Writer/Artist: Bryan Hitch Inker: Daniel Henriques Colorist: Alex Sinclair Letterer: Chris Eliopoulos Bryan Hitch presents JLA #3, continuing...
Review: Justice League #43
Writer: Geoff Johns Penciller: Jason Fabok "The Darkseid War" comes to a head in this months exciting issue...
Review: Gotham Academy #9
Writers: Becky Cloonan, Brenden Fletcher Penciller: Karl Kerschl So. Not only is there a Were-Bat roaming the halls...