Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.
Review: Batman #43
Writer: Scott Snyder Penciller: Greg Capullo Batman #43 takes a different path this month, leading us to a much...
Review: Superman: The Men of Tomorrow
Writer: Geoff Johns Penciller: John Romita Jr. Collects Superman #32-39 I'm willing to address the elephant in the...
Review: Detective Comics #43
Writer(s): Brian Buccellato, Francis Manapaul Penciller: Fernando Blanco Detective Comics #43 sees the GCPD dealing with corruption in...
Review: ‘Batman Beyond’ #3
Writer: Dan Jurgens Artist: Bernard Chang "Escape" is the name of the game for our heroes in this...
Review: Cradle of Filth – Hammer of the Witches
I have been a huge fan of Cradle of Filth for most of my life. The fact that...
Deathstroke Annual #1 Review
Based on the energy that's been building in the past few issues of Deathstroke, I had high hopes for...
Review: Batgirl #42
Picking up right from the end of the previous issue’s cliffhanger, in which Batman declares that Batgirl is...
Review: Batgirl Annual #3
Batgirl Annual #3 feels like several stories in one, but that’s part of its strength. It actually does...
Deathstroke #8 Review
Deathstroke #8 is smashing! Being the second issue of the new "God Killer!" storyline, the gore and fighting...
Holy Hallucination! Harlequin Appears in Batman ’66 #24!
Harlequin appears in Batman '66 #24, expanding its world to include modern day rogues! For the first time, a...