
Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.

‘Justice League’ #42 Review!

A God, or rather an Anti-God has appeared in the skies of Earth bringing hell fire and brimstone...

JLA #1 and #2 Review: “Power & Glory”

Review:  JLA:  Justice League of America — “Power & Glory,” Parts 1 and 2 Writer/Artist: Bryan Hitch Inks:...

Gotham Academy #8 Review

Wow! At the risk of sounding overly biased, Gotham Academy #8, subtitled, Requiem, is as good as a single issue...

Batman #42 Review

  Synopsis: More surprises around every corner as the all-new Batman hits the streets of Gotham City! Batman continues...

‘Batman Beyond’ #2 Review!

When we last left our hero, Tim Drake, he was thrown into a future completely foreign to him...

Batgirl #41

Review: Batgirl #41

Post-Convergence, things start off seemingly back to normal for the Batgirl title. No more Stephanie Brown, no more...

‘Robin: Son of Batman #1’ Review

Robin: Son of Batman is a very brave book for DC to roll out post new 52. Damian...

Gotham Academy #7 Review

I’ve just finished reading Gotham Academy #7, "The Curse of the Inishtree Quill," and it was good, as...

Batman #41 Review

Synopsis: The all-new Batman makes his debut! Who is he, and what happens next? Find out here as...

DKN Recommends Grayson Vol. 1: Agents of Spyral

GRAYSON VOL. 1: AGENTS OF SPYRAL by Tim Seeley, Tom King, Mikel Janin, Stephen Mooney, and Jeromy Cox...