Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.
‘Batman Beyond’ #1 Review!
Before the Futures End event that took up the better part of last year and ended this year, Kyle Higgins...
‘Justice League’ #41 Review!
Like it or not, Convergence was kind of a let down event for DC. The crossover didn't carry enough weight,...
Convergence: Shadow of the Bat Review
Convergence: Shadow of the Bat Review The very first Batman comic I read was Knightfall. The art, the...
Gotham Academy: Endgame – Joker Jitters Review
There’s a good reason they titled this issue, Joker Jitters. It’s spooky. This one-shot, tie-in issue wonderfully complements the...
Review: Batman: Earth One, Volume 2
BATMAN: EARTH ONE, VOLUME 2 by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank The second volume in what I consider to...
Convergence: Batman and Robin #2
When we left our heroes in the last issue, Convergence: Batman and Robin #1, they were trapped inside a...
Convergence: Batgirl #2 Review
The two-part Convergence: Batgirl storyline has come to a close and still leaves plenty of unanswered questions. While...
‘Justice League’ #40 Review
Since the start of DC's New 52 relaunch, the flag ship title, Justice League, has been a consistent joy ride for...
Gotham Review: All Happy Families are Alike
Synopsis: Fish Mooney goes head-to-head with Maroni and Penguin in an attempt to re-stake her claim on the city....