Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.
Beyond The Bat: Reviews – The Kitchen #1 & The Names #3
THE KITCHEN #1 by Ollie Masters and Ming Doyle This is 8 issue series from Vertigo is one...
Reviews: Batgirl #36, Gotham Academy #2 & Klarion #2
BATGIRL #36 by Cameron Stewart, Brenden Fletcher, and Babs Tarr The bold new direction that has captivated readers...
Reviews: Earth 2: World’s End #5 & 6, Futures End #27
Once again, I'm here to catch you up on DC's weekly series Earth 2: World's End. Not only that, I've...
Review: The Multiversity: The Just #1
THE MULTIVERSITY: THE JUST #1 by Grant Morrison and Ben Oliver Yes, this issue has been out for...
Batman:Eternal #31 Review
Synopsis: The team-up you never saw coming... Alfred Pennyworth and... Bane?! You read that correctly. Alfred and Bane...
Gotham: “Penguin’s Umbrella” Review
Credit to I really didn't think we'd be getting an episode like this so early in Gotham. "Penguin's...
Batman:Eternal #30 Review
Synopsis: The last time Deacon Blackfire took control of Gotham City, Batman nearly died...How will the city fare now...
Review: Harley Quinn Annual #1
HARLEY QUINN ANNUAL #1 by Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, John Timms, Paul Mounts, and Others This week sees...
Gotham Review: Spirit of the Goat
Gotham continues this week with what I can FINALLY say is a great episode! good it was...
Mega Review: Earth 2: World’s End #2, 3 & 4
EARTH 2: WORLD'S END #2, 3 & 4 by Daniel H. Wilson, Michael Johnson, and Marguerite Bennett Things...