Dark Knight News Reviews! Batman TV cartoons reviews, Batman-related animated/live action movies reviews, Batman related comic book reviews, and etc.
Double-Dip on Death?
Synopsis: After having his face sliced off, The Joker makes his horrifying return to Gotham City in this epic...
Meanwhile…Nightwing Annual #1
SPOILER WARNINGS! A lot of really cool moments happen weekly in comics. Given the number of titles related...
Batman #24 Review: (Zero Year) Dark City: Part One
Batman #24 continues the retelling of Bruce's journey into "The Cowl," for The New 52, as it kicks off the second...
Beware the Batman: Instinct Review
Written by: John Matta & Matt Weinhold Directed by: Rick morales Synopsis: Professor Pyg and Mr. Toad are...
Batman and Nightwing #23 Review: Acceptance
Batman and Nightwing #23 finds Nightwing paying a visit to Bruce, who is torturing himself over the events that...
Batman #23 Review: (Zero Year) Secret City: Part Three
Batman #23 continues Bruce's journey into "The Cowl" in a retelling for The New 52, which finds him at the...
Beware The Batman Ep. 4: Safe Review
If you have yet to see this episode, two things. First, you're missing out! Second, be warned of...
Batman and Catwoman #22 Review: Despair
Batman and Catwoman #22 finds Bruce trying to deal with the fallout of Damian's death when Catwoman comes knocking...
Batman #22 Review: (Zero Year) Secret City: Part Two
Batman #22 continues Bruce's origin for The New 52, as he tries to take down The Red Hood Gang,...
Batgirl: Spoiled Episode 2 Review
The highly anticipated release of Batgirl: Spoiled episode 2 has finally arrived! If you haven't watched the episode yet, beware...