Batman Media News

All the Batman Straight to DVD Films, Cartoons, TV Shows, and Videogame News!

Clint Eastwood As Batman?

No, as far as we know the next film will not be an adaptation of The Dark Knight...

Cancelled Batman Game From Day 1 Studios

  It appears to be that 'Day 1 Studios', the developers behind FEAR 3 & Fracture, had previous...

Arkham City Devs Not Working On The Dark Knight Rises Video Game

          Rocksteady the creators of the amazing Batman : Arkham Asylum & Batman :...

Batman: Arkham City Lockdown App – Free Update Available Now!‏

We talked about Arkham City Lockdown (The Ipad game from the makers of Mortal Kombat) a little on...

Why Did Batman Punch That Shark In Arkham City?

Arkham City was a great game but one of my favorite moments was a nod to the old...

Knoxville Comic Con-Tara Strong

For all you fans of the 90's Batman cartoon and the Arkham City Game voice actress Tara Strong...

Graphic Audio Batman: No Man’s Land

For all of you who enjoyed the "No Man's Land" Comic Series or who wanted to but never...

Batman’s Facebook Updates (How It Should Have Ended) has just released a new video, this time featuring another iconic "Batman...

Gotham City Imposters Dev Promises Big Free Update!

Monolith has announced it has plans to release a huge free update to the recently released Gotham City...

Gotham City Imposters Out February 8th

While most PC players played the beta months ago just recently PSN and Xbox Live players have been...