Suicide Squad
‘Suicide Squad’ Stars Working Out Together
Suicide Squad is one of the more interesting films in the DC Films continuity. When Suicide Squad was first...
‘Suicide Squad: Hell To Pay’ Animated Movie Announces Superstar Cast
With its spring release fast approaching DC Entertainment has released images and the full cast list for Suicide...
David Ayer on ‘Suicide Squad’s’ Critics
Suicide Squad director David Ayer went on the record about his feelings on the film's poor critical reception....
‘Suicide Squad’ Director Has Some Regrets
Suicide Squad director David Ayer revealed on Twitter some changes he would have made to the film. In a...
Jared Leto on the Filming of ‘Suicide Squad’
Jared Leto was recently on an Australian radio show to clarify the rumors swirling around during filming of Suicide...
‘Suicide Squad 2’ Loses Director
Jaume Collet-Serra will no longer be the director for the Suicide Squad sequel due to him choosing to direct the...
‘Suicide Squad’ Cinematographer Reveals Image from Deleted Joker Scene
Like Batman v Superman before it, Suicide Squad was treated to a ton of re-tooling. Some of the...
‘Suicide Squad’ Trailer Recut Into a Somber Tone
After being out for almost a year, Suicide Squad continues to be a divisive movie among fans. Some...
Jared Leto Nominated for 2017 MTV Movie Award
Despite not having the greatest critical response, along with a mixed response from general fans, Suicide Squad is...
Jared Leto Shares Great ‘Suicide Squad’ Parody Music Video
A good and important quality to have is to not take yourself too seriously, even if you are...