Community Spotlight
Batman Fan related creations, news and stuff
Which States Googled Batman the Most in the US?
How do we measure popularity nowadays? Normally, we use polls, but a lot of times we just check...
YouTuber Imagines Fourth Nolan Batman Film
Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Trilogy is considered one of the, if not the, greatest set of superhero...
‘Minute Match-Ups’ Pits the Joker Against the Joker, ‘Dark Knight’ vs ‘Suicide Squad’
Which live-action Joker is the best? The answer is extremely subjective as each generation tends to have the...
We’re Hiring
Dark Knight News is looking for passionate fans who would like to help contribute to the world of DC...
Ben Affleck Visits Fan In Hospital
Ever since Ben Affleck stepped down as director of the solo Batman film, tentatively titled The Batman, fans...
Justice League Unite In Fan-Made Trailer
It has been over half a year since Zack Snyder teased us with the San Diego Comic Con...
‘Batman: The Animated Series’ Intro Gets the LEGO Treatment
You're undoubtedly aware that The LEGO Batman Movie is right around the corner and the hype is real....
Aussie Artist George Evangelista Teases the Full Justice League with his Latest Masterpiece
If you don't know him already, then I'll introduce him to you. Aussie artist George Evangelista is a...
Avid Fan Builds his Own Functional Bat-Grapple Gun
If you've watched the special features on The Dark Knight Blu-ray, then you saw a functioning repelling device that special...
The Sequel We Deserve: Fan Recuts ‘Batman Returns’ As a Silent Film
Danny Elfman and Tim Burton - the dynamic duo of film. Ever since 1985, when Burton made his...