Community Spotlight

Batman Fan related creations, news and stuff

DCEU Jokerized Batman Brought to Life by Cosplayer

If you enjoyed the Hot Toys figure that was released this year depicting Jared Leto's Joker in a...

Australian Cosplayer Creates Perfect Batfleck Suit Dark Knight News

Australian Cosplayer Creates Perfect Batfleck Suit

Since its release, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has proven to be divisive among fans, but one...

Fan Photoshoot Shows How Robin Could Have Died

As fans of Batman v Superman know,  Robin's death at the hands of the Joker was teased in with...

A Watchful Protector Appears in Texas

If you’ve been following Batman for a while, then you probably know of Maryland’s Batman.  A wealthy man...

Check Out This Awesome Mash-Up Video Featuring 'The Batman League' Dark Knight News

Check Out This Awesome Mash-Up Video Featuring ‘The Batman League’

Who did this? If you're needing a smile today, check out this awesome (and funny) mash-up video, brought...

Batman Saves British Towns From Creepy Clowns Dark Knight News

Batman Saves British Town From Creepy Clowns

With Halloween just around the corner, as well as the remake of the once scary clown movie IT,...

Batman Cosplay Makes it into the Guinness Book of World Records for Most Functioning Gadgets

Batfans! Meet fellow Batfan, Julian Checkley. He is a special effects creature designer. Also, he was just added into the...

Live Reading of A Stephen King Batman Short Story! Dark Knight News

Live Reading of a Little Known Batman Short Story Written by Stephen King

Recently, NPR started a new Soundcloud account to feature a new serial podcast called Selected Shorts. Their first...

Impressive Batman vs Joker Inspired LEGO Display

What is better than Batman vs The Joker?  Batman vs The Joker… as LEGOs!  Paul Hetherington is a...

Screen Junkies: Honest Trailers for ‘Batman’ (1989) & ‘Superman’ (1978)

Screen Junkies presents Honest Trailers for Batman (1989) and Superman (1978). Votes for either trailer will determine something...