Community Spotlight
Batman Fan related creations, news and stuff
‘Batman’ visits patients at Sinai Hospital of Baltimore
Lenny Robinson, who has garnered national attention for his appearances as Batman, visited a group of patients...
Community Spotlight: The Mindbender Chronicles
Check out the new fan-made series being done by a couple of awesome Bat-fans who want to continue...
Batman Vs. Superman – WHO WINS
So, I'm assuming by now you've heard the AWESOME news, right? The Batman/Superman movie expected to be due...
SDCC 2013 Celebrates 21st Anniversary of Batman: The Animated Series
San Diego Comic-Con celebrated the 21st anniversary panel of Batman: The Animated Series. Click the jump to read...
Community Spotlight: Bat-Father Races Against Cancer
According to BBC News, A man has turned his late father's old car into a "Batmobile" which he...
I Now Pronounce You Batman and Batwife…
Is it me, or do people from other countries seem to have better ideas? Then again, I may...
Motorcycle Enthusiast Builds his Own Batpod
A Vietnamese motorcycle enthusiast has built his own replica Batpod, from Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy. Click the...
Teen Titans Project
We all love Teen Titans, right? The comics, the cartoons, the storyline, and of course the characters. What if...
Wayne Enterprises Looking For Investors?
Archer Ltd, has received a call, and it may have been through a red phone. During their First Quarter...
DKN goes to 35th Annual Superman Celebration
Hey guys Adam Prince here with a little community spotlight. Being that the Man of Steel was coming...