Community Spotlight

Batman Fan related creations, news and stuff

Team Galag Teases Tumbler for 2013 Gumball 3000

This is to cool . Over at Yahoo UK Movies News they posted pictures of where a group...

Disney Haunted Mansion Portraits: Batman Edition

Before... Ever been to Disneyland? I love Disneyland and there's a ride there that a lot of people,...

Ultimate Batfan Builds His Own Batcave

There are some impressive Batman collections out there. Some of the more obsessed and more affluent of us...

Community Spotlight: The webcomic Junior

During my stroll thru the internet the other day, I seen a picture of Damian Wayne with Titus,...

Rest Your Batman Comic Books on These Bat-Shaped Coffee Tables

So as far as Batman-themed furniture, what have you ever dreamed of? Maybe a Bat-shaped headboard to go...

City of Petaluma also has their Own Batman

One of the most inspiring things about Batman (there are so many more) is that he proves that...

Nashville Comic & Horror Festival

If you live near the Nashville area I know you're thinking that the Nashville Comic and Horror Festival normally...


March madness is here, green is in the air. So, here are some toys from Batman: The Animated Series and Justice...

Live-Action Batman Movie Villains Marching To Trouble in These Animated Gifs

A few days back, I saw these fantastic animated gifs comb the Interwebz and just now noticed that...

Vatican Unintentionally Tweets about Batman

Generally speaking, I try to keep religion off my radar and out of my mouth. It has almost...