DC52 Batman previews
Batman/Superman Variant Cliff Chiang Cover
Via Comic book Resources, we get a look at the Cliff Chiang (Wonder Woman) variant cover for December's...
Snyder’s Batman #24 Zero Year Preview
Those "masterpieces" out there "do his origin in ways that are way beyond my capability," Snyder says. "But...
Preview: Batman 23.3: The Penguin
You know, reading this preview makes me me recall why the Penguin is always in my top three...
Petition To Remove Affleck As Batman?
Despite my huge disappointment in the WB's decision, I guess I didn't quite soak up just how much...
To Be Batfleck, Or Not To Be…
I could go on an hour-long rant about my thoughts on the whole WB decision to make Ben...
Nathan Fillion as Batman? Unlikely.
Entertainment Weekly has mentioned a few actors who could be taking Christian Bale's place in the cowl, and...
Arkham Origins Batcave Screenshots
We're all anxiously waiting for Arkham Origins to drop in October. All the hype makes us twitchy, wanting it...
Beware The Batman Ep. 4: Safe Review
If you have yet to see this episode, two things. First, you're missing out! Second, be warned of...
John Leguizamo As The Joker? (RUMOR)
No, this hasn't been confirmed. But the actor has mentioned his want to play as The Joker. In an...
New Batman TV Show Rumors?
Apparently there have been rumors circulating around that there will be a new Batman television show released, focusing...