Previews for Batman cartoons.comics,movies and more!
Arkham Origins Batcave Screenshots
We're all anxiously waiting for Arkham Origins to drop in October. All the hype makes us twitchy, wanting it...
Geoff Johns Teases A Bat-Secret (Spoilers)
In a recent interview with IGN, Geoff Johns revealed the masterminds behind Trinity War and the main antagonists...
DC Continues Their Look Into Villains Month
In just a few weeks, the giant Villains Month event that will take over every series in the New 52...
Preview: Batgirl #23
Spoiler Alert! Batgirl #23 pages have now surfaced! Batgirl is still being hunted and to make matters worse...
Detective Comics & Action Comics “Zero Year” Tie-in Details
Here is some interesting news. Detective Comics and Action Comics are going to be having a tie-in in...
Kyle Higgins Talks On Nightwing Tie-In to “Zero Year” with Batman
Over the week Newsarama had a interview with writer Kyle Higgins regarding Nightwing's back-story and the process of ...
Marguerite Bennett Interviewed About Batgirl Zero Year Tie In
Marguerite Bennett is a new writer on the DC scene, but she's been given the important task of...
Beware The Batman Ep. 4: Safe Review
If you have yet to see this episode, two things. First, you're missing out! Second, be warned of...
John Leguizamo As The Joker? (RUMOR)
No, this hasn't been confirmed. But the actor has mentioned his want to play as The Joker. In an...
Spoiler Alert! Newsarama posted up a small preview of Batwing #23. In this issue, Batwing is getting help from...