Previews for Batman cartoons.comics,movies and more!
New Batman TV Show Rumors?
Apparently there have been rumors circulating around that there will be a new Batman television show released, focusing...
Kyle Higgins on Nightwing’s Past, Present, and Future
First off is changes to the book. Come October, Will Conrad takes over art duties for the title...
Preview: Detective Comics Annual #2
It's been two years now since the Nu52 rebooted the DCU, and as we approach the second year...
Re-Introducing DC Comic News!
While Dark Knight News is your #1 site for all things Batman. Did you know that Dark Knight...
“Young Justice: Legacy” Images Released!
While Young Justice: Legacy isn't due out for a few more months - September 10th, 2013 is the date...
Batman Vs. Superman – WHO WINS
So, I'm assuming by now you've heard the AWESOME news, right? The Batman/Superman movie expected to be due...
I Now Pronounce You Batman and Batwife…
Is it me, or do people from other countries seem to have better ideas? Then again, I may...
New Villains In Beware the Batman
We're all accustomed to seeing Batman take on his normal array of villains; The Joker, Two-Face, Mr. Freeze....
Preview: Batman #22 Zero Year Part 2
Part 2 of Zero Year is already here. Part 1 gave us some new insight in the transition...
Batgirl: Spoiled Episode 2 Review
The highly anticipated release of Batgirl: Spoiled episode 2 has finally arrived! If you haven't watched the episode yet, beware...