Tag: arkham insider

Arkham Insider Season Finale Reveals ‘The Dark Knight’ Batsuit

In the final Arkham Insider of 2015, get all the info you need to prepare for the Season...

‘Arkham Insider’ Shows us Catwoman’s Revenge and Batfleck

By show of hands, who's enjoying the Arkham Knight Season Pass? I know I am. Although I won't...

Classic Batmobile Revealed in New ‘Arkham Insider’

The latest episode of Arkham Knight promotional web series Arkham Insider has unveiled a pack featuring the classic Batmobile from the 1960's...

darkknightnews_Arkhamknight WB Interactive dark knight news

New ‘Arkham Insider’ Focuses on Nightwing and Tumbler

The latest episode of promotional web series Batman: Arkham Insider checks out the brand-new DLC content for Batman: Arkham Knight. This episode is...

Batman: Arkham Knight

New ‘Arkham Insider’ Takes Us Back to 1989

The latest episode of promotional web series Arkham Insider takes an extensive look at some of Arkham Knight's exciting DLC material....

Batman, Nightwing and Robin in Arkham Knight

New Arkham Insider Answers Fan Questions and Showcases E3 Gameplay

In the latest episode of promotional webseries, Arkham Insider, the crew takes us into the heart of the massive...

New Episode of ‘Arkham Insider’ Explores the Batmobile

The latest episode of the promotional webseries 'Arkham Insider' catches up with game director Sefton Hill to talk...