Tag: Arkham Knight

WB Releases ‘Batman: Arkham Knight – The End Begins’ E3 Trailer

E3 happened this week. For those who aren't quite into gaming as others, that's the Electronic Entertainment Expo,...

Batman, Nightwing and Robin in Arkham Knight

New Arkham Insider Answers Fan Questions and Showcases E3 Gameplay

In the latest episode of promotional webseries, Arkham Insider, the crew takes us into the heart of the massive...

Lucius Fox in Arkham Knight

New Arkham Knight Character Poster for Lucius Fox

The latest in a series of character posters to tie into the upcoming release of Batman: Arkham Knight features Lucius...

Batman Books Coming in September 2015

DC has released a list of some of their issues coming up in September. Below, you'll find the...

‘Batman: Arkham Knight’ E3 2015 Sony Conference Trailer

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2u3s16_batman-arkham-knight-e3-2015-trailer_videogames A shiny new 4 minute Arkham Knight trailer fresh off its release! Ashes to ashes, dust to...

Nvidia Releases GameWorks Batmobile Trailer for ‘Batman: Arkham Knight’

Last week, Nvidia, one of the largest tech companies responsible for the graphics cards that keep your PC...

New TV Spot For ‘Batman: Arkham Knight’

A new TV spot for Batman: Arkham Knight dropped today. While previous trailers and spots have shown specific focus on...

‘Batman: Arkham Universe: The Ultimate Visual Guide’ Up for Pre-Order

Last year, in celebration of the 75th anniversary of Batman, DC released this beautiful coffee table book called...

Nvidia Releases GameWorks Trailer for ‘Batman: Arkham Knight’

If you haven't noticed by now, Nvidia looks to be a huge sponsor of Rocksteady's exit from the...

‘Batman: Arkham Knight’ Pre-Order Bonus for Premium Edition!

Did you think that there were already enough skins for Arkham Knight as pre-orders? Too bad! I kid, I kid!...