Tag: batman

LEGO Batman 2 Game Image

I'm not really into Lego games, but for the fans out there that are into this and enjoyed ...

Community Spotlight: Nissan Builds Its Own Batmobile

Nissan has built a new racing car that would make Batman proud. They say that the look of...

Community Spotlight: Batman and Robin “The Musical”

"Batman, you sonva a b*tch!" Someone who is smarter than you or "I saw the potential in Batman...


This implies to everyone whether you are a boy or girl, you can definitely say you are “The...


  If you are a Batman fanatic and you want your child, little brother/sister, nephew/niece, or little cousin...

3/14/12 Batman New 52 Comics

BATMAN AND ROBIN #7 Batman finally discovers NoBody's lair and must confront Robin and NoBody in an explosive,...

New The Dark Knight Rises Magazine

Unfortunately for the fans in America, the Studio Live Magazine is in French. This is awesome, but we...

The Dark Knight Rises Cast Heading to KAPOW: Comic Con 2012 Maybe

  There is a Great Chance The Dark Knight Rises will have its own Panel at KAPOW!: Comic...

Dark Knight News: The Podcast Episode 7

Matt here, so I tried to cut down on sound effects for Episode 7 and focus more on...

Bane Goes Postal

  To keep it short, this was seen in San Francisco, CA today. I am not sure where...