Tag: batman

CBR Interviews Artist Chris Burnham On Batman Inc

Comic Book Resources has put up a great interview with artist Chris Burnham about Batman Inc and the...

Hero Complex: The Catwoman Interview

La Times Blog the "The Hero Complex" has had some great exclusive interviews and coverage of the Dark...

Batman #4 – The New 52

Batman #4 "Face the Court" - Written by Scott Snyder - Art by Greg Capullo My apologies that...

Dark Knight Rises Trailer Breaks Itunes Record!

If the trailer is any indication, this movie is going to break all box officer records. WB just...


It what might be my lamest post ever (or most sexist). I decided to post some pics from...

Cool Art: Every Bat Costume Ever (Almost)

This is a really cool art project by Benjamin Andrew Moore of every Bat Costume ever!...Well almost ever,...

Funny Parody Of The Dark Knight Rises Trailer

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrmEyPkgDf8] This is a pretty funny "home made" reenactment of the full Dark Knight Rises Trailer. Good...

Huge Digital Comics Batman Sale!

Comixology has a sale right now with tons of Batman comics for only a buck each (normally their...

RockSteady Gives Everyone A New Free Skin For AC

Arkham City is awesome and it's about to get even more awesome. Rocksteady is giving us all a...

Updated:Dark Knight Rises Trailer Leaks! (Watch It, While It Lasts)

 UPDATE: HIGHER QUALITY VIDEO. Youtube is on fire (the fire rises ;))  with people continuing to upload the...