Tag: Batmobile

15 Behind the Scenes Photos from 'Batman Forever' Dark Knight News

15 Behind the Scenes Photos from ‘Batman Forever’

Whether you hate to love or love to hate Joel Schumacher's Batman Forever, there's no denying that is...

Zack Snyder Shows Off New Batmobile

Director Zack Synder posted a tease(via his Vero account) of what the Batmobile will look like in Justice League....

New York Toy Fair Reveals ‘Justice League’ Batmobile

When a new movie that is featuring Batman is approaching, there are usually one of two questions fans...

DC Collectibles Tops Toy Charts In October

With Christmas fast approaching (43 days to be exact!) many people have already made and/or received their Christmas...

‘Batman v Superman’ Batcave Concept Art Unveiled

Ed Natividad - one of the many concept artists who worked on Batman v Superman- has posted his paintings of the Batcave and...

Will Smith Has Fanboy Moment While Filming ‘Suicide Squad’

Will Smith is a highly accomplished actor in Hollywood.  First hitting the scene in The Fresh Prince of...

Exclusive SDCC Batmobile Exclusive from Moebius Models

According to the site DC Collectors, Moebius Models has revealed another exclusive for this year’s San Diego Comic...

DKN Speaks with Nock World Entertainment, Owners of the Original ’60s Batcopter

  One of the most iconic vehicles of all time is the Batmobile. And as Batfans, we get...

‘Batman v Superman’ Batmobile Chase Behind-the-Scenes Featurette

Check out this five minute behind-the-scenes featurette that gives a glimpse of what it takes to create a...

A Chance to Walk the Red Carpet at the NYC ‘Batman v Superman’ Premiere

Five days remain for you to win a chance to walk the Red Carpet at the NYC Batman...