Tag: batwoman
Batman:Eternal #15 Review
Synopsis: Who is behind the hell beneath Arkham Asylum? Can Batwing and Jim Corrigan hope to stop it before...
Batman-Inspired Heels and Flats Hit the Internet on “Shoes of Prey”
via shoesofprey.com Shoes of Prey, a fashion site that allows customers to design and purchase their own shoes,...
Batman April Solicitations
DC Comics has released their "New 52" April solicitations, and Batfans should be excited. Here's the list April...
Zero Year — Batwoman #25 Review
It was a huge ordeal when J.H. Williams III and W. Haden Blackman suddenly quit writing for Batwoman,...
Batman: Eternal Teaser Art
DC Comics will be celebrating the Dark Knight's 75th Anniversary next year with a myriad of specials, including...
J. H. Williams Elaborates on Intended Plans for Batwoman
Cover for Batwoman issue #24. J. H. Williams recently clarified some of the confusion surrounding the last issue...
PREVIEWS: Batwoman #24 J.H. Williams’s Final Issue
If you have been watching the internet, the buzz is still active about the supposed reasons why J.H....
Preview Pages Released for Killer Croc — Batman and Robin #23.4
The final week of Villains Month is here, and this week's issue of Batman and Robin features Killer...
New Batwoman Writer Talks About Marriage, Controversy, Where To Go Next
After writers J. H. Williams and Haden Blackman absconded from the Batwoman title, they left a huge controversy...
DKN Special: Trinity War & Batwoman
DC's summer event, Trinity War has been concluded and creators leave Batwoman. Click the jump to see more. Trinity...