Tag: batwoman

Why Batwoman’s Wedding Should Be Included

New writer for Batwoman is Marc Andreyko. Click the jump to see more. News came in today that...

Batwoman Writers Walk Out On Title

J.H Williams III and W. Haden Blackman, writers for Batwoman, will be leaving the title after issue #25,...

J.H. Williams III talks about “Batwoman” as he shifts to only writing it.

J.H. Williams III does really well at both drawing and writing. If you don't believe me, go check...

C2E2 2013: THE NEW 52 PANEL

Chicago Comics and Entertainment Expo 2013 has begun with Day 2. The third panel of the convention is The New...

PREVIEWS: Batwoman #18: New Arc & Guest Star Batman

Coming out of the Wonder Woman/Batwoman arc vs Medusa, a new arc begins with guest star Batman and...

J.H. Williams III talks about Batwoman’s future

Batwoman Vol 2 #18 Batwoman #17 was a pretty big deal for fans of the character. Kate Kane...

PREVIEW: Batwoman #17 “Mercy”

The story continues with Batwoman and Wonder Woman along with the new look for Flamebird.  What will happen...

GLAAD Nominates Batwoman

The GLAAD Media Awards recognize and honor media for their fair, accurate and inclusive representations of the lesbian,...

DC Comics April Covers Leaked Online

Over at Gotham Spoilers they hit gold on finding DC Comics covers and random pictures of upcoming April...


Batwoman has been on a long epic journey that has lasted 17 issues, Click the jump to see...