Tag: Behind the scenes

Nominated for an Oscar... or 11

‘Joker’ Director Todd Phillips Posts New BTS Photos to Celebrate Six Weekends in Theatres

Article by Adam Poncharoensub Aside from the fact that Joker is technically one of the more brilliant movies...

Batman Emerging From Shadows In New Picture Released By Zack Snyder

It's been a while since the beginning of the DC Extended Universe, but we are continuously treated to...

Gary Clark Jr. Releases Behind the Scenes Clip of Recording ‘Come Together’ for ‘Justice League’

We've had about 3 trailers for Justice League thus far. One of the more subtantial ones was released...

15 Behind the Scenes Photos from 'Batman Forever' Dark Knight News

15 Behind the Scenes Photos from ‘Batman Forever’

Whether you hate to love or love to hate Joel Schumacher's Batman Forever, there's no denying that is...

'Batman V Superman' VFX Transformation Video Released Dark Knight News

‘Batman V Superman’ VFX Transformation Video Released

As a film student, one of the things I adore the most are behind the scenes video breakdowns....

‘Suicide Squad’ B-Roll Features Harley’s Classic Jester Suit

The uncut, behind the scenes B-roll footage for the Suicide Squad  is on the internet. It features scenes not...

‘Batman v Superman’ Batmobile Chase Behind-the-Scenes Featurette

Check out this five minute behind-the-scenes featurette that gives a glimpse of what it takes to create a...

Warner Bros. Releases Behind the Scenes Clip: The Making of Copperhead in Arkham Origins

WB has released a clip featuring a behind the scenes look at how they captured Copperhead's unique movements....

New Behind The Scenes Photos From the Dark Knight

Ever want to see Heath Ledger in full makeup looking pretty friendly with the guy who taught Christian...

Batpod Chase Sequence Featured in a Behind the Scenes Clip from The Dark Knight Rises

A new behind the scenes clip was unearthed and features a look at the Batpod chase sequence in...