Tag: captain marvel

Superman/Batman: Public Enemies

Retro Review: Superman/Batman: Public Enemies

"Public Enemies" Writer: Jeph Loeb Artists: Ed McGuiness, Dexter Vine and Tim Sale Color Artists: Dave Stewart and...

Year Of The Villain: Who Are The Infected?

Article by Sam McTernan So you're probably wondering what Year of the Villain: Who are the infected is...

Batman Superman

Batman and Superman Set To Meet The (Billy) Batson Who Laughs

Article by Sam McTernan Batman and Superman are set to meet the (Billy) Batson who laughs in the...

Justice League Animated Films Review: ‘Justice League: War’

“As we anxiously await the debut of Justice League, DKN celebrates the release of the live-action film with reviews...

Infinite Crisis Profiles Shazam

Infinite Crisis, WB’s forthcoming Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA), now profiles the youth endowed with magical abilities chosen...

Infinite Crisis Profiles Gaslight Batman and Doomsday

Infinite Crisis, WB’s forthcoming Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA), now profiles the Steampunk-inspired Gaslight Batman and the infamous...


STORY PLOT:Billy Batson takes center stage in this issue as he unleashes the awesome power of Shazam in...