Tag: dark knight rises

Funny Parody Of The Dark Knight Rises Trailer

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrmEyPkgDf8] This is a pretty funny "home made" reenactment of the full Dark Knight Rises Trailer. Good...

Dark Knight News The Podcast: Prologue\Trailer Special!!

Hey everyone Brandon here. Sorry for the delay, busy Holiday season. I promise to get faster at editing...

WB Not Happy With MI:4 Box Office Boost

DeadLine reports that WB is mad that instead of figureing out a way to put the DKR: Prologue...

WB Sends Out Cool New Bane Shirt And Bane’s Map

The Dark Knight Rises PR team started to send really cool shirts to select industry and media People....

Dark Knight Rises Trailer Transcript

Someone named DropKickKenndey on the IMDB forums posted a full transcript for the trailer. Normally I would say...

Dark Knight Rises Prologue: Matt’s Impressions

So I just got back from the Irvine Ca screening of the Dark Knight Rises Prologue. There were...

Hero Complex Nolan Interview

(Alberto Pizzoli/AFP/Getty Images) The LA Times Hero Complex Blog posted a new interview with Christopher Nolan. In it...

Prolouge Audio Leaked (Worst Way To Experience It First)

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vOEwnD6dfQ] The above (while it lasts) is the recorded audio from The Dark Knight Prologue and it...

Trailer Confirmed For Digital MI4 IMAX Screenings

The official Twitter for IMAX confirmed that the non 70MM IMAX screenings of Mission Impossible 4 will instead...

TheDarkKnightRises.com Redirects To An Audio File Now

http://www.thedarkknightrises.com/ Used to be the teaser and a poster, now it is just an audio file that sounds...