Tag: DC Comics

DKN Spotlight Review: DCeased #6

"End Of The World" Writer: Tom Taylor Artists: Trevor Hairsine, Neil Edwards and Stefano Gaudiano Color Artist: Rain...

Sideshow Present Three New Catwoman Fine Art Prints

Article by John Hammond Sideshow are knocking it out of the park once more, as they present three...

Review: Red Hood Outlaw #39

“Generation Outlaw” – Part Three Writer: Scott Lobdell Artist: Kenneth Rocafort Color Artist: Steve Firchow Letterer: ALW’s Troy...

Black Canary: Ignite

DC Announce New Graphic Novel ‘Black Canary: Ignite’

Article by Philip Clark Black Canary has always been one of my favourite DC characters. I've absolutely loved...

Review: Batman: Curse Of The White Knight #4

“Batman: Curse Of The White Knight” – Book Four Writer and Artist: Sean Murphy Color Artist: Matt Hollingsworth...

Review: Batman Beyond #37

"First Flight" - Part One Writer: Dan Jurgens Artists: Sean Chen and Sean Parsons Color Artist: Chris Sotomayor...

Review: Black Hammer/Justice League #4

“Hammer Of Justice" - Part Four Writer: Jeff Lemire Artist: Michael Walsh Letterer: Nate Piekos Review by Kendra...

Preview: Batman #82

Take a look at Mikel Janín and Jordie Bellaire’s preview pages from Batman #82! Remember the “Knightmares” chapter...

Justice League #35

Preview: Justice League #35

DC Comics have released sneak peeks at some of their forthcoming books! November is Villains Takeover month, complete...

Review: Teen Titans #35

"Put Out The Light" Writer: Adam Glass Artist: Bernard Chang Color Artist: Marcelo Maiolo Letterer: Rob Leigh Review by Sam McTernan Every...